Monday, September 9, 2019

Global Feminism in the Early 20th Century Essay

Global Feminism in the Early 20th Century - Essay Example Women’s historic omission from the political process is the result of the long-standing patriarchal social arrangement which only relatively recently has begun to soften somewhat. This discriminatory system that heavily favors men originated from both perpetual economic and rigid religious foundations that were present in the beginnings of mankind and strengthened throughout man’s development. However, with the advent of new technologies and working positions that ‘even women’ could perform in combination with shortages of necessary work forces particularly during times of war, women began to realize their true value to society on a global level. In England, Virginia Woolf became a spokeswoman for the concepts of educational and vocational opportunity for women through her writing and speaking engagements. Woolf tackles the subject of the female voice in her essay â€Å"A Room of One’s Own† (2000). The basic argument she presents here is not that women write according to a materialistic style or that women necessarily must pursue material possessions if they wish their voices to be heard. Instead, she makes a case that the only way in which women’s voices are going to be heard in literary circles is if they are freed of the daily grind of civilized living through the provision of a living income and a room in which they can work unmolested by children, maids, husbands and others who continually place demands on their time. In addition, she criticizes the female writers that have come before her for placing their own agendas in their works rather than allowing their characters to explore the various sides of the issues presented. She indicates that Charlotte Bronte, for instance, â€Å"will write of herself where she should write of her characters† (â€Å"A Room†, 2000). The written novel should reflect the ideas that are held, but should do so in keeping with the characters involved, their knowledge and their explorations as they are

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